A 21-minute documentary about an extraordinary K-12 school in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. We found this school after connecting with local organizations in the area that provide social and educational opportunities for young immigrants and refugees. The film tells the story of Ahmed and Ruba, two young Iraqi children that attend a school built to help migrant children adapt to living in America. The goal of the film was to show the importance of such safe places for children who come from around the world and how anti-immigration policies threaten the success of such institutions.
The film premiered at the 2020 Cleveland International Film Festival, a 40+ year festival with heavy focus on cultural and social impacts and an inclusive human experience. Since, then the film has also been screened at UNESCO's APCEIU chapter for their Global Citizenship Education to build more just, peaceful, inclusive, and sustainable societies. The film also received a special mention in the 2021 Social Impact Media Awards and won the award for a Global Shorts Forum Honorable Mention at the 2020 SCAD Savannah Film Festival.
Whether you want to create a film, videos, or looking to improve your branding and digital presence, reach out to us and we will help you achieve your goals.